Monday, August 6, 2012

Ich Bin Ein Berliner

I began this blog just over a year ago in an effort to chronicle what I had hope would be a sort of revelatory "staycation."  Dazed from graduation, and frustrated that four years of everyone telling me I would find my passion/calling had proven everyone wrong, I thought that some time in the "real world" would be a good opportunity for some self-reflection/discovery.  I ended up working on the groundskeeping team at the golf course.

At the time, I mused that perhaps the fact that the job challenged my aversion to manual labor, early mornings, and copious amounts of sunshine-- what the skeptics on their parapets may have thought was ostensibly a "perfect storm" of reasons that I had no earthly business to be doing this job-- could actually be valuable experiences that would allow me to grow and tackle my limitations.

Occasionally, standing in the noon sun, raking a sand bunker that had been raked the day before, and would need to be raked again tomorrow, I would think, "This is like trying to sweep a desert clean."  Then, "Maybe everything everyone does in life is like this bunker, the winds of Time dashing and scattering our day's work for it to begin anew tomorrow.  Perhaps," I would think, very profoundly, "we are all sweeping our own desert.  Man... Sweeping The Desert would be a sick name for my novel..."

So, I decided to go to Europe as a way of getting out of the desert for a while, and being inspired. Whether that means meeting some famous people...

...embracing my inner child...

'Balzac Coffee'?  Isn't that just another term for "tea bagging"?

...or finding a title for my future autobiography...

Hmmm... There seems to be a lot of phallic imagery going on here...

Jordan and I's puerile fascination with Balzac Coffee seems strangely prescient, as I'm fairly sure I could overhear the 16 year-old Germans we shared our hostel room with plotting to teabag us every night in hushed voices as we went to bed. As far as I can tell, they did not.

My scrotal paranoia aside, Berlin was full of amazing things to see. From the buildings--, of course, Germany's world-renowned automobiles.

One thing we hadn't counted on, however, was the sweltering heat of Berlin...

It was "You'll-call-Sears-now" hot, which immediately disrupted my sunscreen budget. When Jordan remarked on this, I replied, "Yes, but we both knew this wasn't going to be just a one-bottle trip anyways."

Jordan and I's relatively haphazard knowledge of Berlin meant that we found things primarily by walking around.  A LOT.  We're going to measure our calf muscles at the end of the trip to see whose are bigger.

At the end of the day, inspiration is about taking what's around you, and being able to use it to better look in the mirror.

Next is Prague.  Hopefully my next entry will contain fewer penile references.

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